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Support Students with SEN Mobile
Supporting Student with SEN

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Heep Hong Society - Support Centre for Persons with Autism 協康會 - 自閉症人士支援中心 

Heep Hong Society implements different service schemes to support the young people in need, including career planning, vocational skills assessment, training and work placements to increase their employment opportunities and support their developmental needs.



SAHK - True Colors Autism Support Service 香港耀能協會「真色珍我」自閉症人士支援服務

The Project by SAHK provides various support services to young persons with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (HFA) and their families/carers, organizations and the frontline rehabilitation practitioners that serving the persons with ASD.



Society for the Welfare of the Autistic Persons 自閉症人士福利促進會 
In Chinese only: 引起大眾對自閉症的認識及關注



Hong Kong Autism Awareness Alliance 香港關顧自閉聯盟 
In Chinese only: 包含關顧自閉症的活動資料



The Salvation Army PATH Centre 救世軍天希中心 
In Chinese only: 救世軍天希中心為社會福利署資助的自閉人士支援中心,主要為15歲以上及智力達70或以上自閉症譜系障礙人士及其家屬者提供支援服務,以及為康復服務及社會福利服務單位提供自閉人士專業支援及諮詢服務。

Do you know

SEN Support of Counseling and Wellness Center coordinates with various offices to render assistance in course materials, examinations arrangement, accommodation and other necessary support.